Research Student
I was relaxed and in the best of
moods after finding out the result of my candidacy examination. In a few days I was leaving on my camping
trip and was happily and busily working out the itinerary of the two weeks road
journey. I had planned to find my research guide on returning from the trip.
But I ran into Giovanni Venturi who was doing his Ph.D. with Professor Reinhard Oehme. He told me, Amar,
if you think professors will wait for you to call on them just because you have
cleared the candidacy in group A, you are mistaken. Others who have cleared the
candidacy with you will have signed up with them by the time you return from
your trip.
With this warning I was left with no choice but to meet the
professors to identify my research guide. Our profiles had already been
circulated by the Graduate Students Advisor with the faculty members. I
literally had to shop around for my research guide.
I knocked upon the closed doors of
Professor Oehmes
office. I heard a loud shout from deep inside, Enter.
He was sitting on his work table at the end of a long room.
As soon as I introduced myself he spoke nonstop for thirty minutes on the
excitement of doing research in elementary particle physics. He ended his
monologue by pointing to a table at the opposite end of his room. I saw a pile
of papers on that table. Professor Oehme said, These
are preprints of research work I received in the last week. Ninety percent of
them are most likely bad physics and I am not going to read them.
He then pulled out some papers and said, You
read them and then meet me. I will decide after interviewing you if I can
accept you as my student.
I told him that I was going on vacation. He insisted I should find time to read the
papers he was giving me. He was a German and very formal. The thought of
spending next four years with him unsettled me.
I next knocked on the door of Professor
Peter Freund. He had kept the windows of his room opened. It was freezing cold
inside. He was smelling of strong perfume. He knew me because he was one of my
examiners in the candidacy examination. Before I could say anything he lectured
me for forty-five minutes on some open
problems in elementary particle physics. He picked out some research papers
from a pile. He started marking R
and B
on the papers. I asked him what the R
and B
markings meant. He said, The
R and B markings indicate whether the paper is to be read or be browsed.
I protested and told him,
am going on vacation to see the Grand Canyon.
Without blinking he said, You
will have time on hand waiting for ski-lifts which you can use for reading the
papers I am giving you.
On the camping trip, we would be tired and
hungry by the evening each day. The camping sites
were desolate because except for us no sensible visitor to the national parks
thought of spending nights in subzero temperatures in the open. We had brought
with us canned food and a camping stove. The contents of the cans could at best
be warmed and not heated because we were
camping out in the open in the middle of the winter and our pan was losing heat
more rapidly than receiving heat from the small stove. With my friends I ate
warmed canned food which was mainly of meat preparations. I neither complained
of the taste nor faced the issue of digesting what I ate. I had effectively
changed my food habits. I now liked the charcoal broiled steak and pastrami
sandwiches. We returned from our camping
trip with lifelong memories of the Bandelier
National Monument, the Painted Desert,
the Meteor Crater, Saguaro Cacti forests and the Taliesin West by Frank Lloyd Wright in Tucson. The Taliesin
East by Frank Lloyd Wright was in the
campus of the University of Chicago. Of course, the climax of the trip was the
visit to the Grand Canyon.
On my return to Chicago I decided to
explore with some more professors my research options. It was the first
or-second week of January 1966. I went to see Professor Simpson in the
Laboratory for Space Research and Astrophysics. When I entered his office he
looked at me and said, The
death of Dr. Homi Bhabha in the plane crash in the Swiss Alps is a bigger loss
for your country than the death of your
Prime Minister Shastri.
He knew Dr. Bhabha well as both physicists worked in the
field of cosmic rays. After preliminaries he offered to accept me on trial
basis for six months. He said you can think of my offer and if you are ready to
work on my terms you may contact me again. Next to Professor Simpsons
office was that of Professor S. Chandrasekhar. I was not confident of coming up
to his expectations from me. I felt intimidated in his presence. I decided not
to contact him. I met Professor Ricardo Levi-Setti. He worked in the field of
experimental nuclear physics. He showed me a pile of bubble chamber
photographs. He said, I
spend my time in analysing charged
particle tracks from the bubble chamber pictures and work out their kinematics. It is a boring
piece of work. Think carefully before you decide to work with me.
I realised that all these professors were
no different from each other. I did not have much choice from among them as
they were all the same. My broad area of research would have to be the same as
that of my guide. I decided to work with Professor Freund for my Ph.D.
research. Professor S. Chandrasekhar ensured that he was on my Ph.D. committee
and made himself responsible for the assessment of my research progress
including making recommendations to the University to award the Ph.D. degree to
I was allotted a study table in the Fermi
Institute in a room I shared with three
other Ph.D. students, who, like me, were
doing research in elementary particle physics. Edmond Schonberg was from my
batch and had also joined Professor Peter Freund. Nelson was senior to me.
George Gounaris was a student of Professor J. J. Sakurai. We spent most of our
time on the blackboard in our room discussing physics problems faced by any one
of us. Much of our physics education occurred in discussing physics with each
other as the professors were not easily accessible. However, I spent my Tuesday
mornings reading the weekly students
newspaper, The Chicago Maroon.
Now I had no problem regarding meals.
Milton, George and Bob took me out to restaurants to try different types of
cuisines. When I was a child I was forced to take cod-liver oil by my
father. I did not like its smell and
associated fish with foul smell. The changed diet resulted in my gaining
weight. Without exception and with time
all visitors to the US from India put on weight eating the American food.
Edmond Schonberg was of French origin. His
parents had settled in Peru. He was a good student and had straight As
in all his courses. I have mentioned earlier that Edmond
Schonberg, Milton and I were ranked in group A
by the candidacy examination committee. Edmond Schoenberg and I worked together on
several research problems. Professor Freund encouraged us to publish our joint
research work. We published several joint papers.
I now took an interest in reading books
other than those of physics. Each week I
bought a book from the University Bookstore and read it over the weekend. The
authors I read with interest were Mark Twain, James Thurber, Hemingway, Thomas
Mann, Herman Hesse, Saul Bellow, van Buitenen, A. K. Ramanujan, and Edgar Allen Poe. I
signed up for the Doc Films run by the students. In the evenings films were
screened in the Ida Noyes Hall. The Doc Films screened art films of famous contemporary Directors and actors.
I remember seeing the films of Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman
and Humphrey Bogart.
I wanted to improve my mobility. I decided
to buy an old car but first I had to learn driving. My roommate George had a
car but was not inclined to teach me how to drive. Milton offered to teach me
driving. We borrowed Georges
Ford Mustang and took it to the McCormick Place parking lot. After I had driven
the car in the parking lot for fifteen minutes Milton said that I needed to
learn to drive on the city roads and not inside a parking lot. As a part of my
driving lessons Milton made me drive on the city roads after pulling out of the
parking lot. After three days of driving lessons Milton declared that I was
ready to take my driving test. We took the Ford Mustang for the driving test.
Completing the preliminaries of the driving test was easy. The inspector asked
me to take the driving test. When I stepped out with the inspector I discovered
that the car had run out of gas. Milton
ran with a jerrycan to get a gallon of petrol. The driving test inspector was
amused by our predicament. I took the driving test as per the directions of the
inspector. When the test was over the inspector smiled and remarked that I
needed practice. I pointed out the catch 22 situation that in order to practice
driving I needed to have a car of my own and I can own a car only if I have a
driving licence. He smiled and said, I
am issuing you the driving licence but you should be careful when you are on
the road.
I now held the driving licence of the Illinois State.
I went to the University bookstore to look
for announcements of used cars on sale, and saw on the noticeboard a card
announcing the sale of a 1961 model Ford Falcon with automatic
transmission for $375. I contacted the owner. He turned out to be a professor
in the University of Chicago living in Hyde Park. He asked me to come to his
house to see the car. When he saw me he realised I was a foreign student and
his approach towards me became cautious. He pointed out that he was selling his
car because a big dog had recently been added to the family and so he had
bought a bigger car. He said, He
would give me a set of new snow tyres with the car but the sale was under the
condition 'as is where is.
If I were to decide to buy his car and take it with me I could not return to
him with complaints of defects in it.
I paid him the price he had asked and drove home my first
Dr. Ram Karan Singh had come with
his family for a two-year consultancy assignment to Gary, Indiana. He asked me
to spend a weekend with him. Gary, Indiana, was about 30 miles from my
apartment. The drive to Gary involved travelling part of the way on the
expressway. I reached safely and developed confidence in my driving ability. I
made many long distance trips in my car. I liked camping vacations and drove
Bob Sandling and one other friend who was a keen fisherman to the Lake District in Northern Wisconsin.
Once I even drove overnight from Chicago
to Baltimore. Rajjo Chachiji had come
with Shamnath Chachaji from Calcutta. Chachaji was admitted in Johns
Hopkins Hospital for a major surgery.
They were shocked when I told them that I drove nonstop to Baltimore
from Chicago, a distance of about 800 miles. It was not a wise decision to
drive alone long distances. On my return trip I fell asleep momentarily at the
wheel. I woke up in time and escaped a fatal accident.
Along with my research work I cleared the
requirement of three compulsory advanced courses, Relativistic Quantum
Mechanics, Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics. I was required to
undergo a viva voce assessment
by my research advisory committee in advanced physics. It was one of the
partial fulfilment requirements for the Ph.D. degree. I have written about this
event in my tribute to Professor Chandrasekhar. My relationship with Professor
Chandrasekhar was complex. I had signed up in the winter quarter for an
advanced course on the general theory of relativity taught by Professor
Chandrasekhar. Sometime in the middle of
that course there was an unusual heavy snowfall in Chicago. More than 40 inches
of snow fell in 24 hours. My car was covered under a mound of snow. I thought that
on that day Chandra may not be able to take his class as movement of cars was
not possible on the snow covered roads. I decided to go to the Point on the
Lakeshore for photographing icicles. I
was on my way to the Lakeshore and was least expecting to see Chandra face to
face. But he saw me. He was walking to the Department to take his class fully protected for the
weather as he was wearing full gumboots and was all wrapped up in an overcoat
and a skull cap covering his head and ears. Next day I
received a message to see him. When I met him he said to me, I
suggest you drop the course. There was no
talking back to Chandrasekhar I dropped the course! His argument was that if he
could walk in adverse weather conditions to teach his class then his students,
if they were keen to learn, also had to attend it even if it meant they had to
plough through snow to get there.
The professors in the High Energy Physics
group maintained a barge-pole distance from their students. It was literally
true as in the seminar room of the high energy group the students were seated
more than six feet behind the long table used by the professors. Whenever any
one of us asked a question they all turned their heads in unison to locate the
source of noise. We decided to get even with them. Professor Nambus
secretary mentioned to us his birthday. We decided to celebrate it. We met all
the professors in the group to come to the seminar room and help us in making
the event a big surprise. Professor Nambus
secretary arranged a birthday cake and a pot of coffee. When Professor Nambu
entered we shouted on top of our voice for
he is a jolly good fellow
and sang, Happy
Birthday Professor Nambu.
I recall Professor Gregor Wentzel, who was the oldest
professor in the group, asking Professor Nambu, How
old are you today, Professor Nambu?
Professor Nambu became visibly upset. Our innocent prank
cost his secretary her job.
One day I played a practical joke on Nelson.
He and I were alone in the lab. I told Nelson, I
have been hiding a fact from him. I can disclose it if it will not come in the
way of our friendship.
Nelson asked me to speak out what I had held from him so
far. I told Nelson, I
am an untouchable from India.
Nelson thought for a while and came and embraced me. He
said, I
am a broadminded American. I will not let your caste come in the way of our
But he was disturbed all the same. He went and checked with
his friend Khazan Agarwal what I had revealed to him. I knew Khazan Agarwal from the Ramjas
College. Khazan Agarwal told Nelson, Maheshwari
is no untouchable. Even my sister can marry him!
Next morning Nelson was unhappy to see me. He said, I
have checked and found out that you are not an untouchable. Why did you
tell this fib to me?
I apologised and said that I wanted to check whether he was
above caste prejudice.
I continued with the progress in my
research work. I published an independent research paper in the Physical
Review. It came as a big surprise when Professor Freund told me that I could
graduate with a Ph.D. degree based on the work I had already done. I was least
prepared for leaving then the University with a Ph.D. degree. I had hardly
spent two years in doing research. I told Professor Freund my reservations to
his suggestion. I told him that I was
not happy with the research that I had done and wanted to work on a more
intellectually satisfying problem.
Moreover I had not planned for what I would do next after leaving the
University if I graduated in December 1967. Professor Freund decided to support
me for one more year but laid the condition that I would have to
complete a new research problem within that period.
I could not now ask Professor Freund to
suggest a research problem to me. I was on my own. I
did not know how to go about finding a new problem to work on. Professor Weber
of the University of Maryland gave a colloquium on detection of the
gravitational waves. From the Maxwells
equations of electrodynamics it is easily seen that they contain wave solutions.
The wave solutions of electrodynamics are called the electromagnetic waves.
Light is an electromagnetic wave. All communications on Earth use
electromagnetic waves. Einsteins
equations of gravitation in the general theory of relativity are written in terms
of curvature tensor. They also contain wave solutions but these solutions are
not so obvious as in the case of Maxwells
electrodynamics. Professor Weber rewrote the Einsteins
equations in weak field approximation. In this formulation Einsteins
equations become equivalent to a self-interacting massless spin 2 field whose
source is the energy momentum-tensor. In this formulation the gravitational
waves are as obvious as are the electromagnetic waves from the Maxwells
equations of electrodynamics. The gravitational waves are hard to detect
because their sources are generally weak and only catastrophic events involving
massive stellar objects can generate gravitational waves strong enough which
Professor Weber could possibly detect in his lab using extremely sensitive
detectors. It may be appreciated that the year was 1968 and Einsteins
theory of gravitation was an esoteric subject of study. There was not much
progress in its applications to explain observational effects beyond the three
basic tests which had been performed in the twenties. In the colloquium an idea
came to my mind to formulate a theory of gravitation with self-interacting
massive spin 2 field with energy-momentum tensor as the source. I discussed my
ideas with Professor Freund the following day. He appreciated what I wanted to
do and encouraged me to work on this problem. It was a challenging task as an
infinite number of terms had to be found because of self-interaction of the
field. I did not know how I would go about solving the problem I had taken up.
I spent each day doing complicated
calculations and at the end of the day returned to my apartment with a feeling
of not having made progress in solving the problem. It was winter time and the
general effect was of pervading gloom. The stress began to build in me.
Weekends became lonely periods difficult to spend. I needed diversion out of my
weekly routine to lift up my spirits. At
the end of the weekends I wanted to emerge fresh for beginning a new week. I felt the need of female company. I thought it might provide
me the outlet I needed for relieving me of my stress. I did not like to go out with American girls.
I found them aggressive and was generally
uncomfortable in their company. Two of
my friends Milton and Bob were married. I used to spend my weekends with them.
There were not many girls from India in the University of Chicago. Those who
were there were older and much older than me. I was reckless in my pursuit of
female company. Some of my friends were more reckless than I was. Yavuj Nutku,
who was from Turkey, married a woman more than thirty years older than him. I
think the person Yavuj married was his music teacher.(Let me mention here that
when I met Yavuj in 1977 in Austin he was married to someone his age who knew the
Nizam family of Hyderabad settled in Turkey.) Dr. Manohar Lal Jasuja who was
with me in the Gwyer Hall worked in the Cook County Hospital in Chicago. He
introduced me to an Indian girl. She lived in the North Chicago. The distance
to where she lived from the South Chicago where I lived was more than thirty
miles. It did not come in my way as I had a car.
I once travelled with Mr. and Mrs.
Chandrasekhar to Cincinnati. Chandra was driving. Mrs Chandrasekhar treated
students like her sons. When Chandra and his students were attending the
conference Mrs Chandrasekhar took out with her wives of Chandras
students. I was amused when Mrs Chandrasekhar said, I
would have liked the wives of Chandras
students to be like my daughters-in-law and not my sisters!
I used to observe that some of my fellow
research students who were from Europe used to slip away to visit home for
two-three weeks without being missed. We
rarely saw our professors. Professor Freund was spending the summer of 1968 at
the newly created International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste,
Italy. Bobs professor was a
famous English mathematician who held dual positions in Cambridge and Chicago.
Bob and Judy had moved to Cambridge.
I had reached a dead end in my research
problem. I was moving in circles without
making progress. I was also homesick as I had not been to India since I left it
in 1964. I decided to take a break from my research work and spend my summer in
Europe followed by a visit to India. I planned to spend a week with Bob and
Judy in Cambridge. I wanted to visit Venice, spend some time in Trieste with
Professor Freund, and then visit Greece. I also included Istanbul in my
itinerary because of my Turkey connection with Yavuj Nutku. I wanted to spend
three weeks in Delhi as Pitaji was recently posted there after his transfer
from Lucknow.
Although I was working with Professor
Freund I was supported from the National Science Foundation (NSF) research
grant of Professor Nambu.
I had not informed Professor Nambu of my plans for getting away from the lab
for the summer. My life was open and all my friends knew what I had planned to
do. One day I found myself sharing the elevator with Professor Nambu. Professor
Nambu said, Amar,
Are you going to India? I fumbled and said,
Yes, but I will
also spend sometime with Professor Freund in Trieste.
He said, Amar,
we will support you here.
All my stress melted away.
The girl I was seeing in the North Chicago
disclosed to me that she was a Christian and was from Karwar, a coastal
town in Karnataka. She wanted me to visit her parents during my India visit. I
had no such intentions. The girl from the University of Chicago I was seeing
was more prudent than I was. She saw the futility of our relationship and
discouraged me from pursuing her. My friends in the University were aware of my
personal life and spread a rumour that I
was going to India to get married.
Bob and Judy took me on a one week visit
of England and Scotland. We saw the cathedrals of Lincoln and York,
crossed Hadrians
wall, climbed up King Arthurs
seat in Edinburgh and went up to
Inverness in North Scotland. We drove past Loch Ness and crossed to the
Isle of Skye. On returning to Cambridge I flew to Venice. I fell in love with
the city of Venice on reaching the San Marco Plaza. At Trieste I met Professor
Freund. He had arranged accommodation for me in a city hotel. After spending
the day with him at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics I checked
into the hotel where accommodation had been booked for me. What I am going to
write next will be an attempt in describing in words a transcendental
As soon as I settled down in my room in
the hotel I saw in a flash a glimpse of the solution
of the problem I was working on for the past five months. I did not see the
solution but developed a feeling that I knew now how to solve the problem I had
been grappling with. I had guessed correctly the compact form of the Lagrangian
of the self-interacting massive spin 2 field whose source was the
energy-momentum tensor. It contained
infinite number of terms but could be written in a closed form. I had to
show that it was the Lagrangian I was looking for. I took
out blank sheets and my pen. I worked continuously for four to five
hours. When I realised that I had completely worked out the solution I went to
The following morning I met Professor
Freund with my solution. He could not understand what I was telling him but
made photocopies of my worksheets. He told me that he would write to me at my
address in India after verifying for himself my solution.
I will try to explain the mental processes
I had undergone that night through a metaphor. Anyone who has extracted cream
by churning milk knows that mere act of churning for a long time does not bring
out the cream hidden in the milk. Right conditions and sufficient churning are
both essential for extracting the cream out of the milk. Cream or the butter
appears all of a sudden from the milk and not continuously. For creating the
right conditions either hot or cold water is added to the milk as may be
required. In my case I had churned my mind for five months but the critical
conditions for the solution to emerge
were met when it was relaxed by my visits to Scotland
and Venice.
In the evening Professor Freund took me
out for a lavish Italian meal. I enjoyed the meal. At the end of the meal a
fish was brought on a trolley to our table. I declined to eat the fish. I was
told by the Maitre dhotel that it was the
best part of the meal and I should try it. I tried the piece of fish served to
me in that restaurant. I cannot describe in words the delicious taste I
experienced in eating fish that evening.
I travelled to Athens by a flight from Venice.
I was impressed by the Parthenon and the marble ruins on the hill overlooking
the Athens. I saw a programme of Greek folk dances from an amphitheatre facing
the Parthenon followed by a sound and light show. I made a day trip to Delphi.
I then went on a three-day cruise to Mykonos and made a short trip to Delos.
After visiting Greece I flew to Istanbul. From there I flew to Delhi. On
reaching Delhi I was met by my extended family. I spent relaxed three weeks
with my parents, brothers and sisters. Professor Freunds
letter was waiting for me. He confirmed that my solution was correct and some
details remained to be worked out which I could do on my return to Chicago. It
made me happy in anticipation of getting my Ph.D. degree based on the research
work I felt proud to have carried out.
I spent a day with Bob and Judy in
Cambridge before taking my flight for Chicago from London. Judy gave me a book
titled Indian
Cooking by Mrs. Balbir Singh.
I carried that book in my hands because I had left my luggage in the cloakroom
at the London airport on my arrival from Delhi and had no time to keep the book
in it when I picked it for boarding my flight to Chicago.
My flight arrived in Chicago late in the
evening. My friends Sushil, Satish and K.
Chandrasekhar were convinced that theywouldfind me with my wife when I landed
in Chicago. Although they did not have a personal transport yet they reached OHare
airport using public transport for receiving me. They were most disappointed
when I stepped out of the plane holding in my hands Indian
Cooking by Mrs. Balbir Singh!