S. Chandrasekhar - As I Knew Him
A.N. Maheshwari
A tribute to Professor Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Astrophysicist
Born October 19, 1910; Died August
21, 1995
My association with Professor Chandrasekhar dates back to
1964 when I reached the University of Chicago to do my Ph.D. studies in
physics. I saw an Indian looking Professor dressed in a black suit wearing a
Cambridge University tie. He was sitting in the first row of a physics
colloquium and I could easily connect that the distinguished person was
Professor Chandrasekhar, whom everybody affectionately called Chandra. He
appeared to me then both very reserved and unapproachable. I changed this
opinion as I began to know him more closely. My next encounter with Chandra was
at a Phi-Club meeting, which were specially arranged by the Department of
Physics of the University to provide to the fresh class of graduate students
face-to-face interaction with the senior faculty of the University. Professor
Chandrasekhar spoke on General Theory of Relativity and its relevance to
Cosmology & Astrophysics. I do not think I followed the lecture, but can
distinctly recall the remark made by Chandra, "Veracity of the Einstein's
theory of Gravitation is as undisputable as are the findings of Justice Warren
on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy". I left the meeting
with more awe and a feeling of a vast distance between his intellectual
abilities and what I possessed as a twenty-one year old graduate student.
I was thrilled to see the announcement that Professor
Chandrasekhar would teach a course on Non-relativistic quantum mechanics. I had
studied this course as a part of M. Sc. studies in physics at the University of
Delhi. I signed up for that course perhaps thinking that I should be able to
impress the Professor with my background and the head start I thought I had. In
the first lecture when the Professor entered the class he demanded that no
smoking be observed, as he was allergic to tobacco smoke. This was obeyed by
the class, but Chandra's reasons were suspect as he could be seen sitting
between Professor Mark Ingraham and Professor Gregor Wentzel, both of whom
puffed away cigar smoke continuously and within their vicinity the pollution
level could only be matched by what comes out of coal-fed boilers in Chicago
City. Chandra spoke Cambridge-English without a trace of American accent and
wrote on blackboard as though he was doing calligraphy. He did not like being disturbed
during his lecture and looked reprovingly at students drinking coffee or eating
sandwiches. The course was uneventful as it progressed but a jolt was
experienced by the entire class when he announced at the end of the eleventh
week that the examination would be of six hours duration with an optimum
response time of about four hours. He further elaborated that there would be
only one problem to be solved in closed-book/closed-notes setting and that
rough-calculation sheets were to be appended to the answer-script. He also
advised students to bring their pack lunch to the examination hall! The problem
to be solved turned out to be on finding analytically changes in energy levels
of hydrogen atom in strong electric field by setting up the Hamiltonian and
writing the Schrodinger equation. Hints were given for various stages of
solution that could be reached after about each successive hour of work. I
vaguely recall that I could not proceed further beyond the fourth hour and
closed my test after eating sandwiches, which I had specially prepared and
rounded up my snack by an apple. I wrote from National Radio Astronomy
Observatory, Green Bank, where I had gone to undergo summer training, with
misgivings, to the Graduate Students Advisor of the Department of Physics to
let me know how I had fared in Professor Chandrasekhar's course and whether the
University would continue to give me financial assistance in the next academic
year. I received a reassuring reply that Professor Chandrasekhar was happy with
my performance and that the University would be pleased to support my further
graduate studies. I have narrated this incident at length because it brings out
how a teacher probed the mind of each of his students so painstakingly and
without complaining of an inordinate demand on his time in spite of pressure of
research and other professional commitments.
Although, I chose to work in the field of theoretical
high-energy physics, not of direct research interest of Professor
Chandrasekhar, Chandra decided to be one of the four advisors for supervising
my doctoral studies. I began to experience Chandra's warmth from smile on his
face in acknowledging my greetings. Gradually I started to know the real
Chandra and Mrs. Chandrasekhar. Occasionally I would join both of them at
dinner table in the restaurant of the International House and listen to
episodes from the life of the esteemed Professor, as narrated by his wife. She
knew how uncomfortable students were in Chandra's presence and that we felt
elated and inspired on being chosen to be shared stories from the life of the
great man. One story on how Chandra handled his graduate students I contribute
to this essay, because I was the second party in the incident. I wanted to fix
up with my advisory group the date and time for holding an assessment, a
requirement of the Ph.D. course. Meeting Chandra in his Office in the
Laboratory for Space Research and Astrophysics was difficult as an appointment
was required. But I knew Chandra's daily habits and decided to catch him during
his walk to the laboratory. I accosted Chandra and asked point blank whether he
would be in station on such and such date and whether he could be available for
conducting my assessment. He suggested that I defer the assessment for a week.
I told him, 'Chandra, do I not come under your priority and can you not spare
half-an-hour for a graduate student?' Chandra's immediate response was a yes to
the scheduling of my assessment on the date I had proposed but he said, 'Maheshwari, can you explain the concept of negative
temperature?' Chandra continued to remind me whenever I met him since that I
had pleaded to him to postpone the assessment for another month so I could
prepare myself better.
In between I used to meet Chandra to discuss physics and
sometimes he would walk to me at my desk with some newspaper reports on India
in his hand and share his anguish. He once asked me to explain to him the
concept of pseudo energy-momentum tensor for the gravitational field. I felt
honoured in having been approached by the Professor but specially privileged
when Professor Chandrasekhar gave me a person-to-person seminar on how he had
used this concept in his research work. This aspect of his life is also
important because he took pride in pointing out that he benefited in research
more from his students than from his colleagues in the University. In 1969 he
told me that during the course of his career in the University except for one
research paper, which he had jointly written with Enrico
Fermi, all his research work was either independent or was carried out with his
graduate students.
He would emphasise to me the importance of diligence and
observance of discipline in daily working habits. He emphasised that personal
targets had to be continually advanced further so that life may remain an
unending challenge without ever getting the feeling of arrived at.
He once mentioned that in having decided to live abroad he
could only live the life of a scientist. From his own experience he pointed out
that living the life of a scientist in a foreign country is extremely difficult
and very rarely and very few persons can hope to contribute to science at
levels that bring lasting recognition and scientific immortality. At the age of
nineteen, Chandrasekhar had made the scientific discovery of the existence of a
fundamental stellar mass from his study of the physics of white dwarf stars,
the famous Chandrasekhar limit. Although Chandrasekhar had carried out his
monumental work during his long sea voyage to England from India in 1930 and
published it in 1931 in the Astrophysical Journal of the University of Chicago,
but was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for this work only in 1983. Chandra
did not let recognitions slow down his pace of work and kept on moving his
targets throughout his life; to wit physics of white dwarf, stellar structure
and radiative transfer, magneto-hydrodynamics,
mathematical theory of black holes, study of Newton's Principia.
He was a perfect embodiment of what he practised and his
advice to his students was based on his experience. He might have influenced me
in deciding to return to India after getting my Ph.D. degree. In what follows
next I would describe the role he played in my later professional life.
Professor Chandrasekhar was happy to know when I informed him
that I had joined the University at Simla. Once, he
wrote to me that while taking a walk at Aspen in the Rocky Mountains in the
U.S.A. he imagined that in Simla I would also be
similarly situated in an ideal setting conducive for pursuing theoretical
physics. Soon after, in early 1973, I met Chandra in New Delhi. He asked me how
I was progressing with my work and if there was something he could do to help
me. I told Chandra, "Nice climate and beautiful natural environment are
fine but I need journals to do my scientific work, which the new University I
had joined was unable to provide me." Chandra on the spot decided to gift
to the Himachal Pradesh University his entire personal collection of journals.
Within three months of that fateful meeting the Himachal Pradesh University
received collection dating back to 1935 of the Physical Review, the Physical
Review Letters and the Reviews of Modern Physics. This gift by Professor
Chandrasekhar was without any expectation in return except that the journals
should be made available for research consultation to all students and faculty.
This act of generosity is unparalleled and brings out his genuine concern for
his students and interest in their academic growth.
What has been described here is a humble tribute of an Eklavya to his Dronacharya. His
other pupils will have similar stories to recount on how this great teacher
influenced their life.
Home Page of Professor Maheshwari